
Could we have a just community while also having an unelected monarchy?

The compatibility of an unelected monarchy with a just community depends on various factors, including the specific form of monarchy, its powers, and the broader political and social context. While some monarchies may coexist with democratic institutions and principles of justice, others may concentrate power in the hands of a ruling elite, potentially leading to inequality, lack of accountability, and violations of human rights.

In a constitutional monarchy with limited powers, where the monarch’s role is largely ceremonial or symbolic, it may be possible to maintain a just community alongside democratic governance and rule of law. However, it’s essential to ensure that mechanisms for accountability, transparency, and citizen participation are in place to safeguard justice and fairness for all members of society, regardless of their political system or form of government.

How can a monarchy be just when inherently they have the right to land to belong to them instead of to the people?

The idea of a just monarchy hinges on the extent to which the monarch respects and upholds principles of justice, fairness, and the well-being of their subjects. In a just monarchy, the ruler would prioritize the common good and ensure that the rights and interests of the people are protected and respected, regardless of the ownership of land.

One way to reconcile the issue of land ownership in a monarchy is through the establishment of laws, regulations, and institutions that safeguard property rights, promote equitable distribution of resources, and provide avenues for citizen participation and redress. Additionally, the monarch may choose to delegate authority to elected representatives or advisory bodies to ensure that decisions regarding land use and ownership are made transparently and in the best interest of society as a whole.

Ultimately, the notion of a just monarchy depends on the actions and policies of the ruler and the extent to which they prioritize justice, fairness, and the well-being of their subjects over personal interests or privileges.

But monarchies are given ownership of land which does not belong to them.

You’re correct that in some historical contexts, monarchs and royal families have claimed ownership of land that was acquired through conquest, inheritance, or other means. This practice has often led to issues of inequality and injustice, as it can concentrate wealth and power in the hands of a select few while disenfranchising others.

In modern times, many constitutional monarchies have evolved to have limited roles for the monarch, with the majority of governmental power vested in democratically-elected institutions. In such systems, the issue of land ownership is typically governed by laws and regulations that aim to ensure fairness, equity, and the protection of individual property rights.

However, it’s important to recognize that the legacy of historical land ownership by monarchs can have lasting effects on society, and addressing issues of land reform and redistribution may be necessary to promote greater justice and equality. Additionally, ensuring transparency, accountability, and citizen participation in decision-making processes related to land use and ownership can help mitigate potential injustices associated with historical land ownership by monarchs.

Is a “just monarchy” an oxymoron?

The concept of a “just monarchy” could be considered an oxymoron depending on one’s perspective. Monarchies historically have been associated with concentrated power and hierarchical structures, which may not align with principles of justice and equality. However, in modern times, some constitutional monarchies have evolved to have limited roles for the monarch, with the majority of governmental power vested in democratically-elected institutions. In such cases, the term “just monarchy” may be used to describe a system in which the monarch’s role is largely ceremonial or symbolic, with governance guided by principles of justice, fairness, and respect for individual rights. Whether a monarchy can truly be just depends on how power is exercised, how laws are enacted and enforced, and how the rights and well-being of citizens are protected and upheld.

But if a monarchy automatically gains land….

If a monarchy automatically gains land without regard for the rights and interests of others, it can indeed be seen as contradictory to the principles of justice and equality. In such a scenario, the concentration of land ownership in the hands of the monarch may perpetuate inequalities and disenfranchise those without access to land or resources. However, it’s important to note that not all monarchies operate in this manner, and the relationship between land ownership and monarchy can vary significantly depending on historical, cultural, and legal contexts. In modern constitutional monarchies, for example, land ownership is typically governed by laws and regulations aimed at ensuring fairness, equity, and the protection of individual property rights, which may mitigate some of the potential injustices associated with historical land acquisition by monarchs.

Is the Duchy of Cornwall a fair……?

The Duchy of Cornwall is an estate established to provide an income for the eldest son of the reigning British monarch, who holds the title of Duke of Cornwall. It consists of land, property, and other assets, primarily in the county of Cornwall, England.

Whether the Duchy of Cornwall is considered fair depends on various factors and perspectives. On one hand, the Duchy generates revenue that supports the activities and expenditures of the heir to the throne, as well as charitable activities and public projects in Cornwall and elsewhere. This revenue comes from a variety of sources, including agriculture, commercial real estate, and investments.

On the other hand, critics may argue that the Duchy’s ownership of significant land and resources can contribute to inequalities, especially if the benefits of its revenue are not distributed equitably or if the Duchy’s activities negatively impact local communities or the environment.

Ultimately, opinions on the fairness of the Duchy of Cornwall may vary, and it’s important to consider both its positive contributions and potential drawbacks when evaluating its role in society.

What are the positive contributions of the Duchy of Cornwall?

Some positive contributions of the Duchy of Cornwall include:

  1. Supporting the heir to the British throne: The Duchy provides income to the eldest son of the reigning monarch, who holds the title of Duke of Cornwall. This income supports the activities and expenditures of the heir to the throne, including official duties, charitable endeavors, and personal expenses.
  2. Economic benefits for Cornwall: The Duchy’s revenue-generating activities, such as agriculture, commercial real estate, and investments, contribute to the local economy in Cornwall. This includes providing employment opportunities, supporting local businesses, and generating tax revenue.
  3. Funding charitable activities and public projects: The Duchy’s revenue is used to fund charitable initiatives and public projects in Cornwall and elsewhere. These may include grants to support community organizations, conservation efforts, affordable housing projects, and educational programs.
  4. Preserving heritage and culture: The Duchy owns and manages historic properties and estates, some of which are open to the public for tourism, events, and educational purposes. By preserving and maintaining these properties, the Duchy helps to safeguard Cornwall’s heritage and cultural identity.

Overall, while opinions on the fairness and impact of the Duchy of Cornwall may vary, these positive contributions highlight some of the ways in which the Duchy contributes to the well-being of Cornwall and the wider community.

Cornwall would benefit if all of the income from the Duchy of Cornwall was returned to the people and not to the son of the monarch.

Redirecting all income from the Duchy of Cornwall to benefit the people of Cornwall could indeed have various potential benefits for the local community. Such a reallocation of funds could support initiatives aimed at addressing social, economic, and environmental needs in Cornwall, including investing in infrastructure, healthcare, education, affordable housing, environmental conservation, and job creation.

By reinvesting the Duchy’s income directly into the community, Cornwall could potentially experience improved quality of life, increased opportunities, and greater economic stability for its residents. Additionally, ensuring transparency, accountability, and community participation in decision-making processes related to the use of these funds would be essential to ensuring that they are effectively and equitably distributed to benefit all members of the community.