So far I’ve walked from Redruth all the way round the coast past Land’s End and all the way to Falmouth! I’ve just come back from a festival in Northampton and I’ll be in Cornwall for a while yet.
I’ve met loads of absolutely wonderful people and have been offered all kinds of support and encouragement and as soon as I sort it out I’m going to have a map with flags which have pop up photos and poetry and links to all the wonderful organizations who are offering help to those in need at every level without the need for central authority involvement.
I would love any of those people kind enough to have waited patiently for me to get this far and to have found these updated pages to get in touch and tell the story of our meeting 🙂
It seems to me that central authority and bureaucracy does no more that stop us being nice to each other by creating arbitrary rules we feel afraid to ignore even though we know they are rubbish. At worst they create an environment where the worst offenders are hidden by others in the organization despite horrific behaviours. I find those who choose to protect themselves at the expense of others to be most distasteful. Integrity is key to me. There are many in history who were just doing their jobs and claimed to be too afraid to do the right thing for fear of loss. Anyway back to the nice people.
I have been offered food, shelter, advice, a shower and money. I have tried to accept with good grace for one who has a little difficulty with asking for help and rather likes being entirely self-sufficient 🙂 I am entirely grateful to all those who interacted with me so far even the one or two meanies. Whenever I felt low a little patience was all I needed. The birds were with me all the way. Curious Robin, my constant companion. If you would welcome my visit or if you would like to join me please get in touch be that for a coffee or chips on the seafront or for a week’s walking or a talk in the local library. If you see me on my way feel free to stop me for a chat and a cup of tea. Challenging conversations enjoyed but not necessary. We can sit in silence if you like 🙂 all are welcome. I am vegan but don’t be afraid.
Because my intention is to empower the dismantling of the behemoth of central government, the monarchy and all the implications of that system including the fiat currency we use: I shall be making various crochet items along my journey and would be happy to take donations etc but I’ll only be fulfilling my basic needs and any extras I’ll be passing along or using to keep this website working as the hub for the bubble bath covered spider’s web ish creation I’m hoping for. We have all the skills and we can take back our world from the bottom up. Let them grow their own veg for a change. We will use our resourcefulness and creativity to be the people and live in the world we say we want despite the apparent losses we incur. They will soon prove to have been illusions.
I had a meltdown with the website because I’d somehow managed to create two competing logins through and my web host which interfered with each other and drove me to distraction. Then the traffic of a Cornish summer frightened the life out of me when I was walking on the road and I decided I’d better take a break and come up with a new plan or else I’d be dead before I reached Devon!
I still don’t have a clear plan, I did give myself five years to complete my journey to the north and I’m hoping one day soon I’ll have a camper van which I can use to avoid having to walk on the road which will allow me walk the entire coast path as planned but without towing all my stuff behind me!
I still do tend to walk on roads though – they are for travellers not just cars – if you’re driving please treat me as a cart horse and pass wide and slow. I am as scared as they are and will still do significant damage to your paint work if something occurs. Drivers are driving with no room for error. Slow down. Enjoy. Don’t let anyone steal your time.
I don’t really like my photo taken but do post with filters and I’m not much of a hugger but I try 😀 I also have a rather grumpy resting face so don’t be put off! When I smile the picture improves no end!
I don’t do social media but feel free to say nice things about me on there if you like and if you’re doing something that fits the ethos of what you’ve read so far please get in touch and join in.
Please stop me and sit down for a cup of tea and a chat. That’s why I’m doing the walk. If you have five minutes for some gentle yoga inspired by my angel Adriene, I have been doing a minimum of five minutes every day for over nine months and it has helped me regain strength and health beyond belief. We can do it on a chair ✌️🙏 Update on yoga – I blew my streak eventually as I went through a down down winter but since the 1st January I’ve been with Adriene for her newest 30 days of yoga and it’s going very well. I am worth the effort so I’m going to keep at it.